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Bulet Services

Great websites are a creative collaboration between the client and our design team bringing your understanding of the business together with our knowledge and implementation of design, communication and Web technologies.

During initial consultations, we'll listen to gather information about your business, its operations, and your goals for the Internet. We identify your target audience, and discuss ideas and preferences for the website, how it will function, and "look and feel."

After in-house strategy sessions, we will decide upon the layout and distribution and flow of information through the site, and identify necessary components and resources required to implement the website.

At this point, we will present our proposed layout and review the project with you for your approval. Based upon your input, the actual design of the website is begun, taking form and shape in color and design. Again, your input and approval are sought.

Once the design is completed and approved, full production of the website and implementation of necessary technologies are completed. We also test the site in a variety of browsers and monitor sizes. Once testing is complete and you have approved the final website, we will place it on its own webspace on the Internet.